By James C. Roberts Eighty years have come and gone since D-Day, and still the full story of that fateful day has...
Guest Author
No More No-Win Wars
By James C. Roberts Editor’s Note: In honor of yesterday’s National Vietnam War Veterans Day, we present this...
‘America’s Political Parties Swapped Ideologies’ – Busting the Myth
It has oft been repeated by writers and commentators that Democrats and Republicans swapped their ideologies in...
Nuclear Appalachia – Can Converted Coal Plants Be the Region’s Rebirth?
Appalachia is one of the most beautiful regions in the United States. It's also one of the most biodiverse places...
‘The Thriller Genre Is Dead’
In September 1989, I toured East Germany, researching a Cold War thriller I had sold on the basis of a synopsis...
The 17th Amendment – Are We Better Off Without It?
Rod Blagojevich was an Illinois governor who shot into national fame in 2008 after being caught on wiretaps...
Is It Time to Expand the House of Representatives?
Earlier this year, Congressman Sean Casten, a Democrat from Illinois, introduced the Equal Voices Act. The bill...
The Looming Shadow of Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act and the Great Depression
The faint murmurs of an economic storm echo across the United States. After a disconcerting rise in bank failures...
Social Justice Policing Replaces Law Enforcement
Many Americans are shocked by proposals to reduce police protection while opioid deaths skyrocket, borders are...