Comments for Liberty Nation News Free Thinking. Free Speech. Sat, 13 Nov 2021 17:28:34 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on The Mind of a Mass Shooter or Why Gun Control Won’t Work by MSimon Thu, 17 Oct 2019 09:49:56 +0000 Sounds like symptoms of PTSD. Especially the grudges.

Some other things we know:

Dr. Lonny Shavelson found that 70% of female heroin addicts were sexually abused in childhood.

Post USA Civil War alcoholism was called “the soldiers disease”

Addiction is a symptom of PTSD. Look it up.

Comment on Dems Scramble to Corner the Market on Morality by olivia02 Thu, 17 Oct 2019 06:13:33 +0000 Liberals aren’t moral. They moralize. They don’t DO morality. They TALK morality. It’s as superficial as the fashion trends that you see coming out of Hollywood. They wear it like clothing. Instead of sporting a Prada bag, they sport the “right” morals.

Yet, they always seem to miss the mark. This is because they’re not aiming at morality at all. They’re aiming to make themselves look good — which is an entirely different goal.

“Gun violence kills!” They say. “Let’s get guns off the streets!” They cry. Then they single out the AR-15, which looks really aggressive, but is only responsible for a small fraction of shooting deaths.– “Migrants need our help!” They cry. “They have human rights!” They shout. Then, they encourage illegal immigration under the guise of generosity, only to have human smugglers step in, abuse and assault immigrants, and if they manage to make it to the U.S. alive (which isn’t all of them), they have a life in hiding, being exploited by employers to look forward to. — “Transgender people need help!” They scream. “They’re killing themselves!” They cry. Then, they proceed to indulge their delusions by fast-tracking their hormone treatments and surgery at younger and younger ages, which alienates them from mainstream society, damages their bodies, renders many of them sterile, and doesn’t do ANYTHING to actually address their delusion. — “Our Earth is dying!” They scream. “Pollution is killing us!” They cry. Then, they fly all over the world in jets powered by fossil fuel to go to climate change conferences. Some of them go the extra mile and purchase electric cars, which plug into the grid to recharge — ~80% of the energy of which is provided by fossil fuels.

None of this makes sense to a conservative who believes in God, because that very belief means that faking it doesn’t work. God knows. Conservatives try to find some good, though misguided, intention behind the actions of liberals, because they’re looking at it from their own perspective as a good person. But, these aren’t good people. If they were, wouldn’t they properly research the consequences of policies BEFORE instituting them? How little would someone have to care to not thoroughly look into the consequences of a policy before instituting it? That’s how much they actually care.

Comment on DC Sniper Day at Supreme Court by olivia02 Thu, 17 Oct 2019 05:43:11 +0000 I understand the intention behind not having the death penalty for minors. But, in all seriousness, can you really consider a person a “minor” anymore, after they’ve committed mass murder? Age is typically used to determine how old someone is. But, their behavior is also an indication. Some young men lied about their age to go to war when they were 16 or 17, back in the day. This kid went out and committed mass murder. Both behaviors are the marks of adulthood — one in a positive direction, the other in a negative. I’d say, all numerical age aside, he proved just how much of an adult he was when he decided to take other people’s lives.

If he really felt any responsibility for his actions, would he be asking for his life when he didn’t allow his victims to keep theirs? What sort of person intentionally takes the lives of others, but then insists upon keeping their own? It’s an act of hypocrisy to want something for yourself that you don’t allow others. His act of mass murder was violent hypocrisy. Petitioning the court to keep his life when his victims will never have theirs is just a continuation in that same vein.

There are legal structures preventing the execution or life-without-parole incarceration of a person who committed a crime as a minor… Why? Are his victims any less dead because he was a minor at the time that he killed them? Part of sentencing is about keeping society safe, but the other part is about justice. I hope the Supreme Court remembers that when making their decision.

Comment on Trump’s First Thousand Days Report Card by Bay0Wulf Thu, 17 Oct 2019 03:01:24 +0000 “Simply declaring that “full employment” has made everything great again is not helpful.”

Interesting …
While it is true that not everything is “roses” and there remains much to be done … assuming that it can even BE done … the opponents jump and scream and holler “DOOM!!!” … “The END of the World is Coming…!!!

They exaggerate and blow completely out of proportion the smallest of problems … and you, seemingly complain that President Trump acts the part of a Cheerleader … he too exaggerates … this exaggeration acts as a counter-balance … tries to instill hope … promotes the Positive Attitude needed to continue forward …
The Positive Attitude needed by His Base, by the US Citizenry as a Whole, by the Politicians who are supporting (or beginning to support) this Agenda.

Are you so psychologically unaware of what is happening … of the importance of this exaggeration… the importance of this “white lie” as it relates to the Nation, the Citizenry, the Government … that you fail to comprehend it?

How is it that you get to the position of being a published commentator without understanding … or, at least recognizing, the purpose of “Crowd Psychology”?

Comment on Dems Scramble to Corner the Market on Morality by Diogenes Thu, 17 Oct 2019 01:19:49 +0000 In reply to Leesa K. Donner.

Thanks for the compliment. Those stickers were commercially available at the time. But depending on where you live, you need to be careful of the sentiment expressed, lest your car be trashed if in the wrong neighborhood.

Before Obama was elected, my previous sticker was “Some OTHER A–hole for president”. (Obviously, I was no fan of the Bush dynasty.) You might be surprised to hear that some some people who saw that message privately and quietly told me they agreed with it. Then Obama was elected, so I removed it, as I didn’t want my car vandalized.

During the 2016 election I saw bumper stickers on Democrat’s cars that read “Feel the Bern”. Considering the current state of Bernie’s health, I can imagine revising them to now read “Heal the Bern”.

My latest sticker is not a statement, as I try to provoke thinking rather than incite discord. I had it custom printed, and it simply states this, with the first line in black and second line in red:

Who Pays?
Who Benefits?

If anyone wants to print these and capitalize on the idea, please do. Even a Socialist might be confused by that, if thinking about the implications of those questions.

Comment on Trump’s First Thousand Days Report Card by Diogenes Wed, 16 Oct 2019 23:57:07 +0000 In reply to Joe Schaeffer.

In a different context, I’m reminded of Bush on the aircraft carrier (was it there?) with the banner of “Mission Accomplished”. The (then) media rightfully took him to task, for bragging that. Then, how long did our forces remain there afterward, if the mission had been accomplished?

Oh. Or is it that one initial mission spawns many more missions? Isn’t that known as “make-work”?

Comment on Dems Scramble to Corner the Market on Morality by Leesa K. Donner Wed, 16 Oct 2019 20:09:40 +0000 Great bumper sticker!

Comment on Trump’s First Thousand Days Report Card by Joe Schaeffer Wed, 16 Oct 2019 19:48:17 +0000 In reply to thespider1.

Thanks for the great comment. I certainly agree that Trump’s policies have done far more to help American workers than the disaster that was Obama. I do strongly assert, however, that it is shortsighted of him to sweepingly declare the problem solved. Of course it is understandable for a politician to do just that but the president should show more faith in his supporters. They understand exactly why they elected him and that it will take time. Trump must deal with complex, deeply ingrained problems related to the globalist betrayal of American workers for a full 28 years until he was elected in 2016. He was never going to solve all this in 3 years, and may not in 8 but he can go a long way to dismantle this corrosive establishment system. The fact is Americans are still struggling. We constantly hear of 70-80 percent of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, the majority of Americans not having enough savings to handle a $1,000 emergency, etc. etc. It is going to take time and a lot of work to restore the middle class in this country to good health. Simply declaring that “full employment” has made everything great again is not helpful.

Comment on A Thousand Days of Liberty Nation: A Tale of Two Countries by Max42 Wed, 16 Oct 2019 17:06:29 +0000 Bravo! This Dickens quote precisely characterizes the deplorable political divide in this nation. As many as half of Americans live in almost complete ignorance because they only listen to and/or believe Democrats and their mainstream media propaganda outlets. We no longer have the most important safeguard against serious federal government abuse of power – the 4th Estate. It has sold out to the progressive globalists as characterized by Democrats and Obama deep state shadow government. Publications such Liberty Nation, along with organizations such as Judicial Watch and The Heritage Foundation must replace the mainstream media as The 4th Estate. I no longer contribute any money to the mainstream media or the two, corrupt political parties. Instead, I send my contributions to Judicial Watch and The Heritage Foundation.

Comment on Dems Scramble to Corner the Market on Morality by Diogenes Wed, 16 Oct 2019 16:38:12 +0000 “This type of confused blathering by the Dems reveals a superficial one-step mindset, not to mention a lack of critical thinking.”

During the Obama years, the bumper sticker on my car was “Critical Thinking – It’s the OTHER national deficit”.

The Dems appeal is to those who are only capable of emotion and incapable of critical thinking. Let us pray that those voters are not yet in a majority.

Comment on Trump’s First Thousand Days Report Card by thespider1 Wed, 16 Oct 2019 15:13:56 +0000 Now hold on now. You can’t just sweep away President Trump’s accomplishments on reviving the American job market with a few faint platitudes. I am willing to bet the author of this article was not a job seeker during the Obama years! The market was terrible, unemployment was horrific. There was a sense of crushing depression, no hope and no future not felt in America since the Great Depression! There were no jobs! I myself was unemployed for three straight years. I spent the remainder of the Obama years working a slew of part time jobs with no benefits. When Trump announced he was running, it was a blazing ray of hope for the economy and he has not disappointed. Within four months of his election, employers were taking risks and hiring full time again…and I got my first full time job in 8 years. And those were early days in his administration. Now unemployment is at its lowest in 50 years, and that is an incredible achievement. That matters more to Americans than just about anything. And you can bet I’m voting for the man who saved us from the Obama economy.

Comment on Political Odds: Hillary Clinton’s Last-Minute Sprint? by Diogenes Wed, 16 Oct 2019 01:03:07 +0000 “Born To Lose”

Comment on Political Odds: Hillary Clinton’s Last-Minute Sprint? by Zircon Encrusted Tweezers Tue, 15 Oct 2019 17:21:16 +0000 I never thought I would see “Hillary” and “sprint” in the same sentence.

Comment on Trouble in Paradise – Warren and Sanders on the Outs by Diogenes Tue, 15 Oct 2019 14:42:22 +0000 Bernie is being consistent as the socialist-communist-nationalist that he is (and yes, he even said he is a nationalist, and we know what National-Socialism is). He is a hypocritical and wealthy Socialist as well. So in desperation he is pointing out Fauxahonkey Warren’s vacillation.

“What is up with this man? Is there a medical condition associated with this behavior?”

Yes. He’s suffering from terminal campaignitis.

The kettle is calling the pot black. Politicians will say anything to get elected. And it often works, as the voting masses have virtually no memory of what politicians said previously.

Comment on Why Are Youth Climate Activists the Greatest Polluters? by Diogenes Tue, 15 Oct 2019 14:20:39 +0000 I too was taught to conserve things such as water and gasoline, – because they cost money. “Waste not, want not.” Frugality within reason and adversity build character and add to life experience.

However, Jimmy Carter was a disaster as a president. When he advocated self deprivation (remember him telling us to put on your sweater, like Jimmy?) it was like a slap in the face to those of us who were already wearing two sweaters due to a dismal economy.

Electronic devices get recycled, so your commentary is way off base on that issue. And conservation begins at home – not with Carter-esque school indoctrination, or public service announcements that are a government handout of our tax dollars to the advertising industry.

It is ironic that three decades of prosperity have produced such spoiled children. Unintended consequences, indeed.

Comment on Liberty Nation On The Go: Listen to Today’s Top News 10.15.19 by Mark Angelides Tue, 15 Oct 2019 12:44:29 +0000 Good playlist.

Comment on Waffling Warren: So Now Gender Reassignment Surgery is a Right? by Diogenes Tue, 15 Oct 2019 01:28:40 +0000 The “rights” game started in the Sixties. It began as the noble cause of Civil Rights, that you couldn’t or shouldn’t have to change your “race, color or creed.” (That was before you could change your skin color, e.g. Michael Jackson’s plastic surgery.) Then that initial virtuous ideal slowly but surely got hijacked into socialist entitlements, when all desires became “rights” to be determined and redistributed by government through ‘other people’s money’. That’s “Progress” eh? After five decades – Score: Progressives 1, Others 0.

How did this happen? Well, the chickens are coming home to roost. The children of the Sixties and *their* children and grandchildren have been indoctrinated in the same way, including now never wanting to leave their nests. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. They and their parents are close to 50% of the electorate now.

Sigh. What a swell country this is. Let’s see if they’ll leave their nests to vote for the Granny from Hell, who promises everything to everyone.

Comment on Pete Buttigieg, New Flavor of the Month, is Another Empty Suit by Marsha Frey Tue, 15 Oct 2019 01:24:48 +0000 VP Pence has said nothing against Buttigieg, homosexuals or others of the same order. He lives his religion which includes the bible – yet doesn’t come out judging others. He simply lives his beliefs. However, along comes Buttigieg who has a “bible chip” on his shoulder and challenges Pence at every turn. I have come to realize it isn’t Pence, it isn’t any Christian — it is Pete himself who keeps the chip challenge going. He knows the bible says many passages against his lifestyle and he hates anyone who professes to believe its scripture. It is the bible Pete is having his fight with – Pence is but the proxy.

Comment on When Will the Neocons Enlist in the Military? by Andrew Moran Tue, 15 Oct 2019 01:03:52 +0000 In reply to Diogenes.

Thank you, Diogenes! Coming from you, that means quite a lot.

Comment on Happy Columbus Day – Or Is It Indigenous Peoples’ Day? by Diogenes Tue, 15 Oct 2019 00:58:24 +0000 I sometimes think unusual thoughts. I wish I could have a time machine to bring Columbus here and now to us, today, to see what America is like. What would he think of this?

Time matters. It estranges us all.

Comment on Happy Columbus Day – Or Is It Indigenous Peoples’ Day? by Diogenes Tue, 15 Oct 2019 00:24:44 +0000 In reply to espada.

I do. And so I will say it.

Time matters. At what point in time and recorded history are you referring to? (I keep saying that I use the impersonal “you”, so as not to offend the uneducated – not that anyone here is in that category.)

If I were a Liberal, I’d say it’s time to have a “conversation” about this. We all must consider long term time-frames. In many ways you are both correct. Now you only need to discuss the details.

Keep calm and carry on… (smile)

Comment on Happy Columbus Day – Or Is It Indigenous Peoples’ Day? by fuzzywzhe Mon, 14 Oct 2019 21:38:13 +0000 To be fair, the true history of Columbus isn’t that great of one. He first attempted to turn the indigenous into slaves.

Not that I think this bill is worth passing, or even considering. We’ve been at war with Afghanistan for 18 years – anybody have any idea what the mission is there? Is it to grow opium? Because that has increased from 5% of the world’s supply to 80%, all under US military occupation.

This nonsense is to distract the masses. It’s another “it doesn’t really matter issue”. Yeah, I know they are destroying history, but most of what we think is “history” i just a bunch of garbage propaganda they fed us in the day cares we were forced to go to we called “skool” – and I’m no exception mind you. I was subjected to this garbage when I was a kid too, and in college as well, I’m just aware of it – now.

Comment on Happy Columbus Day – Or Is It Indigenous Peoples’ Day? by espada Mon, 14 Oct 2019 19:03:08 +0000 In reply to Freeland_Dave.

The Romans became weak, and were overrun/destroyed by people who couldn’t have shined their boots in the days when Rome was strong. Romans demanding bread and circuses were like today’s American millennials.

I am totally correct about native tribes. I don’t feel sorry for them, or, alternatively, celebrate them as
noble savages,” `a la’ Rousseau. They were just a couple of millenia behind Europeans when they met.

If you have anything to noteworthy to say, please do so.

Comment on Happy Columbus Day – Or Is It Indigenous Peoples’ Day? by Freeland_Dave Mon, 14 Oct 2019 17:48:31 +0000 In reply to espada.

“victims of history, just like Romans were, just like Greeks were, just like every society that has been overtaken by by a stronger society,”

That’s a strange view of history you have there, The Romans destroyed themselves. They destroyed the Greeks but essentially the Greeks destroyed themselves in their own infighting among themselves.

You are somewhat correct about the Native American Tribes but don’t feel too sorry for them because of the atrocities they visited on each other very similar to the warring African tribes who murdered each other before they discovered they could make money by selling their enemies into slavery. But shush, we don’t really want to discuss those things because if we did we would be labeled as racists.
