The annual lobby day in Richmond Virginia, running since 2003, has become the subject of a severe curtailing of...
Liberty Nation Television
LNTV: 2019 Economic Thanksgiving – WATCH NOW!
Liberty Nation‘s Leesa K Donner and Andrew Moran discuss what we all have to be thankful for in American...
TRUTH TV: Fashion Tyranny and the PC Police – WATCH NOW!
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner investigates the PC police and their connection in fashion....
LNTV: A Real Problem with Trudeau’s Brownface Apology – WATCH NOW
Recently, the media exposed Justin Trudeau and his multiple instances of wearing brownface. These offensive...
TRUTH TV: Episode 20 – Politicians, Gamblers and Loose Screws – WATCH NOW
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner, Tim Donner, Mark Angelides, and Sarah Cowgill come together to talk about a...
Truth TV: Trump or Biden – Who’s Got the Screw Loose? – Watch Now
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner compares the health and abilities between President Donald Trump and...
Truth TV: Warren – I’m Not Hillary! – Watch Now
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner and Sarah Cowgill dissect Elizabeth Warren's recent proclamation that she is...
Truth TV: Politicians, Gamblers & Polls – Watch Now
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner and Mark Angelides discuss President Trump's growing approval rate, building the...
Truth TV: Say What? Climate Change Apocalypse – Watch Now
Liberty Nation's Leesa K. Donner and Tim Donner try to unravel the confusing seven-hour town hall forum hosted...