It’s difficult to dismiss the term "state-affiliated media" as a smear when journalists are being paid directly...
Culture and Entertainment News
The Media’s Addiction to Donald Trump
They denounce him. They decry his existence in the public realm. But in reality, the denizens of the Fourth...
Vaccine Hesitancy: The Catch-All Scapegoat for US Disease Outbreaks
Urban pandemonium and rampant crime are transforming many American cities into seemingly third-world...
What You Don’t Know About NPR CEO Katherine the Not-So-Great
Katherine Maher was likely the perfect choice for CEO of National Public Radio (NPR) when she was appointed to...
Biden Cuts Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans
President Joe Biden followed through on his administration's proposal to reduce next year's base payments to...
Migrants Bringing Measles and TB Across the Border
The swarms of migrants flooding into the US are bringing much more than just financial problems and a rise in...
Trump Aims for a Middle Ground Approach to Abortion
It seems Donald Trump managed to annoy everyone except the constitutionalists with his recent announcement on...
NPR and the Real Threat to Democracy
There is perhaps nothing the news media adores more than talking about itself. So, when quarter-of-a-century NPR...
Arizona Abortion Ruling Sets Out Political Stakes
Late Tuesday, April 9, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that abortion be banned in almost all circumstances. The...