The tale of a magical boy who forever stays young, Peter Pan, has within it a lesson that is essential for a...
Social Issues
Is Tobacco Prohibition Coming to California?
Remember when Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) broadcast an ad to Floridians, promising more freedom in the Golden...
Crushed Cricket Additives in EU Foods Drifting Across the Pond?
The good people residing in and about the European Union are enjoying an extra crunch in their breakfast cereals...
Classical Music Cudgel Torments the Homeless
Convenience store chain 7-Eleven has discovered that homeless people don’t like opera and classical music blaring...
Montana Wants to Pump the Brakes on California’s Great Migration
Either Taylor Sheridan’s epic Yellowstone franchise is enticing folks to leave California for Montana in droves,...
Woke Colleges Ban Racist Words – Like ‘American’
The American language is getting an overhaul, at least in woke universities. Cancel culture and social justice...
Transgender Athletes to Get a League of Their Own
Finally, the world of sports, or at least boxing, has recognized the dangers of having transgender competition...
Can I Get You a Drink? – American Alcohol Consumption Changing
A little over a century ago, America was parched like the Sahara Desert. In 1920, prohibition went into effect,...
In Endorsing State Euthanasia, Boston Globe Empties Pandora’s Box
The ancient Greek myth of Pandora’s Box is often cited by those who oppose ideas or policies they fear will...