Among those who cynically cackle at the thought of the world’s super-wealthy elitists gathering each year in...
Graham J Noble
A Perspective on the Two Tales of the Classified Documents
How serious a matter is it when federal government officials mishandle classified documents? How easy is it to...
McCarthy Elected House Speaker After Wearing Down Resistance
After 15 rounds of voting, House Republicans finally elevated Rep-elect Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to the speaker...
Spy Chiefs: To Defeat Authoritarians, We Must Become Fascists
When is it time to decide one’s government is not to be trusted? For many people on the political right, that...
America’s Biggest Enemy Is, for Many Voters, Right Here at Home
There was a time when differences of political opinion did not inspire people to look upon those with whom they...
Why Do the Woke Hate Christmas – and Why Should We Care?
Extreme political partisanship seems to invade almost everything, these days. The truth is, though, that both...
In the End, the Jan. 6 Committee Showed Its Disdain for Democracy
Imagine, if you will, sitting down to begin a murder-mystery novel, only to read – on the very first page – who...
Donald Trump Terrifies Democrats and They are About to Prove It
They said he was done, a has-been, a loser who refused to accept defeat. Democrats have said a lot of those kinds...
The Coming Hunter Biden Investigation Has Democrats Ready for War
If there’s one thing Republican voters can rely on the GOP to do when it takes the reins in the House of...