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Graham J Noble

Trump, The NRA and The Second Amendment

Trump, The NRA and The Second Amendment

As with many policy areas, Trump appears to lack an ideological position on the Second Amendment. Despite his strong expressions of support for gun-rights, he doesn’t seem to be an enthusiastic gun-rights advocate. More importantly, however, he does not have an anti-gun agenda.

100 Days: A Bigly Satire That’s Yuge

100 Days: A Bigly Satire That’s Yuge

What did we learn in President Trump’s first 100 days? We learned a lot. We probably learned more than any other people who have ever learned. And we are going to keep learning. We might even learn so much that we will get tired of learning. We learned that there are now so many gender-identities to choose from that nobody knows what freakin’ bathroom to use, I can tell you.

DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion

DNC Chairman Takes a Hard Left Turn on Abortion

New Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairman Tom Perez has had a bit of a tough weekend in the world of social media. His statement, Friday, about the party’s stance on abortion – and his implied intention to withhold support from pro-life candidates – has effectively alienated many democrat voters and even several elected Democratic politicians. His statement also represents the party’s continued shift to the extreme left.

Leftist Students Claim Truth Is A Tool Of White Supremacy

Leftist Students Claim Truth Is A Tool Of White Supremacy

What is ‘Truth’? According to radical leftist students at Pomona College in California, it is nothing more than a concept used by white imperialists to maintain their power. In a recent letter to College President David Oxtoby, the students utterly reject both truth and free speech. What they are really saying, however, is that only their truth matters and only their free speech should be permitted.

Gorsuch Faces His First SCOTUS Case

Gorsuch Faces His First SCOTUS Case

The United States Supreme Court has a full complement of Justices once again. President Trump’s new appointee, Neil Gorsuch, will face his first high-profile test Wednesday when the court hears a religious freedom case that also has implications for the limit of states’ rights. The final ruling of the court may be overshadowed, however, by analysis of Gorsuch’s opinion.