
Hey Joe Biden: That Group You Said Didn't Exist Is Going to Prison

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Antifa cell members, the people Joe Biden and key Democrats have been saying are simply "an idea," are going to prison. And it's about damned time.

In a 2020 election debate with Donald Trump, Biden gaslit the American public about the notorious Antifa terror group. Antifa was "just an idea, not an organization" Biden said. The riots, arsons, attacks, assassination, and terror tactics by Antifa cell members were just an idea. They weren't organized, said the candidate. 

Hate to break it to you, Joe, but that "idea" was just sent to prison. 

Right before the July 4 holiday week marking America's independence, the last of eleven Antifa members were sentenced for a pre-planned attack on people holding a pro-Trump rally in San Diego in 2021. 

Two of the defendants were sentenced on June 28 for conspiring to attack dozens of the pro-Trump supporters marching that day. Sixteen Trump supporters were injured in the Antifa attacks. The group drove from Los Angeles to carry out the attacks.

A man old enough to know better, 41-year-old Jeremy White of L.A., was in for a particular lambasting by Judge Daniel Goldstein. White never showed remorse. 

“Here’s your chance to say, ‘yeah, I’m really sorry for what happened, I’m really sorry for that woman who got thrown down, pepper sprayed, a chair bashed over her,’ I mean none of it,” the judge told White.

As I reported in the West Coast, Messed Coast™ report, "Defendant Brian Lightfoot told the court, 'I want to apologize to the victims and the city of San Diego. No one should be attacked for their political views.'" I'll bet you never thought you'd hear an Antifa activist admit that, now did you? 

The Trump supporters had announced a Patriot March on the Pacific Beach boardwalk near the iconic Crystal Pier for Saturday, January 9. The march was held three days after San Diego native Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was gunned down by Capitol Policer Lt. Michael Byrd at the U.S. Capitol melee (Byrd was later promoted to captain). Babbitt and her husband lived in nearby Ocean Beach.

Antifa activists drove from Los Angeles to San Diego, bringing their black bloc uniforms, masks, broken chairs, bottles, tear gas, and sticks and carrying their store-bought Antifa and Black Lives Matter flags. Hand-scrawled signs announced that "Nazis" weren't welcome. 

The Antifa activists pre-positioned before the 2 p.m. rally and, under the careful watch of San Diego police, quickly surrounded the few dozen pro-Trump marchers and began an unprovoked attack on them. Police tried to keep the two sides apart, but couldn't stop the violent attacks. 

The "men" of Antifa brutally attacked Marcayla Amadei, the woman who organized the pro-Trump march. She was pepper sprayed, hit with a chair, kicked, punched, and thrown to the ground. A prosecutor read her victim impact statement: “Despite your disagreements with Trump supporters, if you were to engage in meaningful conversations with us, you would find that we share more common ground than you might think."

Each of the eleven members of the mob who conspired to attack peaceful Trump supporters that day were sentenced to no less than six months in jail. The first activist sentenced in 2022 was a man who identifies as a woman. He received four years and eight months in prison. 

KFMB-TV reported: 

The sentencing of "Nikki" Hubbard, 38-year-old a transgender woman, comes after she accepted a deal, agreeing to plead guilty to conspiracy, assault and unlawful use of a tear gas weapon.

Her husband, a transgender man named GG Hubbard, addressed the court, defending her actions.

"She defends people. She's not violent. And this is just political and fascist nonsense."

GG also questioned why his wife is in a men's prison, claiming she's been assaulted while in custody.

"I wanna make sure she gets put in the correct facility according to her gender. This is violating the law. Why is this allowed? When a celebrity trans person or a celebrity anything this happens people are up in arms, but since it's my wife and she is not known, just one member of the trans community, nobody is caring."

Portland riots showed and reporter Andy Ngo noted in his book "Unmasked" that Antifa attracts the full gamut of leftist counterculture members, but especially the trans community. They're called Trantifa.

Reporters covering the attacks, trial, and sentencing consistently called Antifa "anti-fascist." Yes, we all know that these professional monkey-wrenchers claim to be anti-fascist, hence the name. Still, there's no more truth in advertising there than saying the People's Republic of China is for "the people," and not the select communist cadres who run the joint, or that Sum Ting Wong, Ho Lee Fuk, and Wi Tu Lo are the names of actual pilots involved in a plane crash. 

Reporters also called the unarmed people who gathered at the Capitol Building in D.C. "insurrectionists

After holding hundreds of riots in Portland, L.A., Atlanta, Minneapolis, Seattle, and other Democrat-run American cities and causing  billions of dollars in damage, injuries, and deaths, the people who burned the "president's church," ripped down statues, and rioted in D.C. apparently missed the riot at the U.S. Capitol building. Kidding. They were there. One Antifa/BLM activist, John Earle Sullivan, was right next to Ashli Babbitt when she was shot dead. He got it all on video and sold that recording to NBC and CNN, making $70,000 or more. 

Maybe someday we'll find out more about those connections too. 

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