As Islamic Groups Vow Massacres, Paris Olympics Target Christianity

AP Photo/Matt Slocum

Every Western leftist’s favorite jihad group, Hamas, released a video a few days before the Olympics opened, vowing that there would soon be “rivers of blood flowing through the streets of Paris." French police recently arrested two would-be Islamic State (ISIS) jihad suicide bombers who were planning to target the Olympics. The Islamic State also called upon Muslims to carry out drone strikes on the Eiffel Tower during the Olympics. After all that, the Olympics Opening Ceremony featured full-scale, open mockery not of Islam (of course!), but of the religion leftists love to hate: Christianity.


Fox News reported Friday that “numerous drag queens” were “a recurring theme throughout the ceremonies.” A man whom Fox describes as an “ex-transgender influencer,” Oli London, expressed succinctly how the ceremony targeted Christianity: "Olympics openly mocks Jesus’ Last Supper as drag queens dressed as women play the role of disciples while a plus size woman appears in the middle symbolising Jesus wearing a giant crown."

The reaction was swift. Elon Musk put it mildly: "This was extremely disrespectful to Christians." Harrison Butker, the NFL player who got in hot water with the left recently by defending traditional and near-universal gender roles, quoted scripture: "‘Be not deceived, God is not mocked. For what things a man shall sow, those also shall he reap. For he that soweth in his flesh, of the flesh also shall reap corruption. But he that soweth in the spirit, of the spirit shall reap life everlasting.’ Galatians 6:7-8." Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton summed it up: "The transnational Left have contempt for Western civilization."

That’s certainly true. Roman Catholic Bishop Robert Barron was among those who raised another salient point about what Barron called this “gross mockery of the Last Supper.” He asked: “A question I would pose — we all know the answer to it — Would they ever have dared mock Islam in a similar way? Would they ever have dreamed of mocking, in this gross, you know, public way, a scene from the Qur’an? As I say, we all know the answer to that.”


Yes, we do. The French would never have dared to mock Islam at the Paris Olympics, and the reason for that is abundantly clear to everyone, although few would dare to enunciate it: those who dare to mock Islam risk being killed, while those who follow cultural trends and mock Christianity do not.

Even if, however, Islam carried no death penalty for blasphemy, or there were no Muslims willing to enact that penalty, the leftists who put together the mockery of Christianity at the Paris Olympics would recoil in horror at the prospect of subjecting Islam to the same treatment. To do so would be “Islamophobic,” and as far as the contemporary left is concerned, “Islamophobia” is one of the most serious sins anyone can commit. 

Bishop Barron added: “This deeply secularist, post-modern society knows who its enemy is—they’re naming it—and we should believe them.” That’s true, and there’s more. This deeply secularist, post-modern society also knows who its friend is. The left’s love for Islam arises in part out of its hatred for Christianity: here is a force that has been making war against Christianity for 1,400 years, and so leftists see Islam as an ally.

     Related: Kamala Harris Calls for ‘Courage to Object’ to Term ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’

The kinship between Islam and the left goes deeper than just sharing a common enemy. The left hates Christianity because it recognizes and celebrates the dignity of the individual human person, which is a standing rebuke of the left’s drive to subsume the individual into a proletarian collective and destroy individuality under the rubric of “equity.” The idea of the dignity of every human person is also opposed to the Islamic idea of the umma, the global community to which every Muslim belongs and to which he owes an allegiance that overrides all other loyalties.


The left and Islam also share an intolerance for dissent. The Biden regime, with its Disinformation Governance Board and collaboration with the social media giants to silence COVID dissidents, has given Americans who have been paying attention a bracing lesson in how the left tries to silence (and then destroy) all those who dare to oppose it. Islamic law, with its death penalty for criticism of Allah, Muhammad, or the Qur’an, institutionalizes the same impulse. Christianity, by contrast, with that same idea of the dignity of the human person, provided the foundation for the ideas of the freedom of speech and other basic human rights that have been taken for granted in the West up until recently.

The Paris Olympics were an apocalyptic wake-up call: the left is out to destroy all that remains of what made the West great, and chief among those things is Christianity. The left’s beloved Islam is already moving to fill the vacuum.  

Editor's note: Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps told the media after the event, "Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. (The opening ceremony) tried to celebrate community tolerance," 

"We believe this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offence we are really sorry."

Thomas Jolly, the director of the opening ceremony, denied that the scene had been inspired by "The Last Supper" and instead depicted the pagan feast "Feast of the Gods," which itself was inspired by the famous Leonardo da Vinci painting. We'll leave readers to decide whether that explanation holds water.



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