
Corporate State Media Fauci Rehabilitation Tour in Full Swing

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Based on damning recent testimony and leaked emails from his former top aide outlining the duo’s collusion to break federal records laws — as well as mounting evidence that the vaxxes have caused widespread death and injury and a growing consensus that COVID-19 emerged from a Wuhan lab that Fauci funneled money to for gain-of-function research — the time to put the screws to Fauci has never been riper.

Related: MTG Gives Fauci’s Beagle Torture Program New Oxygen

This is, I believe, why the corporate state media has rallied the troops in recent days to his side with tired, exasperated claims that he is a wholly innocent, persecuted public servant do-gooder targeted by MAGA domestic terrorists or whatever for trying to save lives.

Here is diverse cuckold Rep. Robert Garcia (D-Calif.) debasing himself on national television, slobbering all over Fauci and referring to him as an “American hero.”

These people love to trot out the talking point that Fauci “faithfully” served eight consecutive administrations since 1984 as if his decades-long track record of malfeasance masquerading as public service is some kind of compelling vindication.  

CNN — because of course it did — invited Fauci on to play the world’s smallest violin for himself as a poor victim of MAGA extremism and the threats he and his wife (the top NIH ethics lady, by the way, in bitter irony) receive whenever a peasant dares to publicly criticize him as the government’s former top-paid employee, which, as he declared infamously Kim-Jong-Un-style some years back, is verboten on the grounds that he is The Science™ and so criticizing him is criticizing science itself.

The Daily Beast was up in arms that somehow a MAGA domestic terrorist made it into the public hearing to hear public testimony, which, as we know, is off-limits to those with undesirable political ideologies.

Via The Daily Beast:

As Dr. Anthony Fauci told a congressional subcommittee about death threats that he and his family received, a young man sitting in the first row of spectators made sneering, mocking faces that raised a question: Who the hell behaves like that?

The answer is Brandon Fellows, a 30-year-old chimney repairman from New York State who just completed a three-year sentence for his part in the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol.

To watch this Trump minion disrespect Fauci was to be reminded that the former president’s felony conviction in his hush money trial is a relatively minor criminal matter compared to his continuing efforts to destabilize democracy with the power of his deluded base.

“Everything from harassments from emails, texts, letters of myself, my wife, my three daughters,” Fauci said. “There have been credible death threats leading to the arrest of two individuals–and credible death threats means someone who clearly was on their way to kill me. And it’s required my having protective services essentially all the time.”

At the end of the softball CNN interview above, Fauci throws the former top aide I referenced earlier — who was, in his own words in leaked emails, conspiring to skirt federal records laws — David Morens, who presumably knows where all the bodies are buried, fully under the bus.

          RelatedHow Is Perjurious Fauci Goon Dr. Peter Morens Still Free?

As Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) recently suggested, this apparent rift between the two could be the best opportunity yet to get the goods on the little Mengele protégé, as Morens perjured himself and is on record conspiring to break federal records laws. Any prosecutor worth his salt — and maybe this will have to wait until Merrick Garland is ousted along with the Brandon construct and a new DOJ leader emerges — would leverage Morens’ criminal exposure to get dirt on his boss.

Let’s hope something productive comes of this. We may yet see Fauci pay for his vast and currently not fully known crimes.


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