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Biden Administration Funds Bush-Tied China Front Group

The Swamp Uniparty is getting rich by promoting Chinese interests.

by | Jan 29, 2023 | Articles, Opinion, Politics

High-profile Democrat canoodling with communist China is quite understandably used as political capital to fuel conservative attacks against the party that currently controls the White House and U.S. Senate. But this threatens to obscure a far more perilous truth. The corruption running rampant in Washington today is very much a bipartisan affair.

The Washington Free Beacon reported on Jan. 24:

“According to federal spending records reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, the State Department in September gave $180,076 to the George H.W. Bush China Foundation, which has partnered with the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation, an organization that promotes the interests of Beijing and the Chinese Communist Party. The China-U.S. Exchange Foundation donated $5 million to the Bush China Foundation, a significant portion of its annual revenue, in 2019, Axios reported.”

China and the Republican Hunter Biden

President Biden’s deeply compromising ties to Beijing through his son Hunter’s shady business dealings abroad are widely known. Therefore, it should come as no surprise to see his State Department directly funding a Chinese propaganda outfit operating under a thin cover of American frontmen.

Conservatives fearful about the existence of this nation, however, should not ignore the fact that the main frontman involved here is the son of a Republican vice president, later president, and the brother of another GOP commander in chief.

“The Bush China Foundation has maintained its ties to the China-United States Exchange Foundation amid scrutiny of the relationship,” the Free Beacon noted. “Neil Bush, the Bush China Foundation’s founder and chair, praised the Chinese think tank’s founder, Tung Chee-hwa, at an event in January 2021. Tung is vice chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a political advisory group for the Chinese Communist Party.”

As Liberty Nation documented in 2019, Neil Bush is, effectively, the Republican version of Hunter Biden in the Swamp’s China cash haul:

“Neil Bush struck a 2002 deal that would see him earn $2 million in stock to serve as a ‘consultant’ for Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., a Chinese firm tied to the son of former Chinese president Jiang Zemin. Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald newspaper reports Neil Bush being asked in a 2013 divorce deposition, ‘You have absolutely no educational background in semiconductors do you?’ ‘That’s correct,’ Bush responded.”

Like Hunter Biden, Neil Bush is no Billy Carter; someone who can be dismissed as a black sheep. The Bush clan, right up to this moment in time, is stuck fast to the money machine of the progressive globalist ruling establishment.

All In the Family

Before his 2016 run for the presidency dissipated in a sea of derision, Jeb Bush loved to tout himself as a bold education reformer. His views coincide with those of a certain wealthy individual who includes education among the numerous societal change causes he champions.

Jeb is still working the education angle. Last August, his Foundation For Excellence in Education received a cool $550,000 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. One month before that, Gates gave the group $400,000. If you add up all the money Bill Gates has given to Jeb Bush for FEE since 2011, it comes to roughly $14 million.

Neil Bush - China

Neil Bush (Photo by Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images)

Meanwhile, former President George W. Bush has fully aligned himself with the forces of massive immigration (both legal and illegal) so heavily backed by “philanthropic” super-rich elites.

Within a few short weeks of Biden’s July 2021 announcement that the U.S. was pulling out of Afghanistan, a vast “national effort” organized by the Rockefeller Foundation was up and running, urging that Afghan refugees should be granted rapid entry into America. Welcome.US billed itself as “the largest coalition in refugee resettlement history.” Every living ex-president, except Donald Trump, is listed as a “co-chair,” including George W. Bush. Countless leading lights from the corporate, NGO, and celebrity world were on board as “National Welcome Council” members.

In December, The George W. Bush Institute released a report authored by “Director of the Bush Institute-SMU Economic Growth Initiative,” Cullum Clark. Titled “Immigrants and Opportunities in America’s Cities,” the treatise highlighted how American cities had become the main building blocks in the demographic transformation of the nation via massive immigration.

As Liberty Nation reported on Jan. 23, this emphasis on cities mirrors a formula being promoted by the Biden administration.

The Bush Institute report pushes all the usual ways to import more foreigners into the country. It calls for “refugee resettlement assistance,” “permanent residence” for so-called “dreamer” illegal aliens, “a more efficient temporary foreign worker entry program,” and “a rigorous, fair process for undocumented immigrants to get right with the law.”

On Jan. 18, in a highly unusual address for a secretary of State, Antony Blinken told the United States Conference of Mayors’ 91st Winter Meeting that America’s mayors must connect their cities to international governing bodies. The Bush Institute, in its December report, asserted that American cities cannot get by without a swell of foreigners.

Bush and Biden agendas, working seamlessly together.

“Immigrants account for approximately one in three hands-on health care workers in U.S. cities,” Clark claimed. He cited Nigerians in Dallas as an example. “Immigrant workers are essential to the construction industry in America’s cities,” Clark added. “They constitute more than 60% of construction workers in the Northern Virginia suburbs and more than 70% in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.”

It’s all staring American citizens right in the face. A bipartisan progressive ruling political establishment in Washington, DC, is working on behalf of a separate system from which it benefits. The interests of a sovereign United States are the furthest thing from its mind.

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