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What’s Behind Kamala’s Laugh

And why are so many talking about it?

by | Jul 28, 2024 | Articles, Opinion, Politics

When Kamala Harris catapulted to the top of the Democratic ticket just a week ago, one might have anticipated her policies and opinions to be the most likely topics for discussion. While some of these issues have cropped up in the media, oddly, the most heavily discussed subject regarding the vice president has been her laugh. Some are vociferously defending it; others wonder aloud what’s so funny.

The only reason such a topic would rise to the forefront with so many disparate opinions is that there is something strange about it. When Mrs. Harris was just the vice president, her unusual laughter was noted and derided. Now, with the prospect of her becoming president of the United States, it’s more concerning. And the chatter is only increasing.

A Laugh Worth Talking About

Without a doubt, Harris’ laughter is talked about not simply because of its frequency but because it crops up at inappropriate times and feels confusing to those watching or listening. Since her timing is incongruous with the situation, many feel the laughter is insincere, and they question its authenticity. As one Liberty Nation News reader said, “It sounds fake.”

For example, Sky News recounted a situation in which Harris was asked a question “about America accepting Ukrainian refugees at the media conference with Polish President Andrzej Duda.” In response, the vice president broke out in laughter when there was “nothing that’s even faintly amusing about what she’s being asked or what she’s talking about.” This inappropriately timed laughter appears to grate on people – so much so that Harris has found herself defending her behavior.

In an April interview with actress Drew Barrymore, Harris claimed her spontaneous laughter was cultured around the kitchen table as she watched her aunts and mother enjoy coffee and a good laugh. Defending her behavior, Mrs. Harris offered a typical word salad in the form of advice to young girls: “Don’t be confined to other people’s perception of what this looks like and how you should act in order to be.” What?

The simple answer for laughing at subjects that are not funny and in unusual circumstances can be found in Psychology Today: “Nervous laughter can be viewed as a defense mechanism subconsciously employed to protect one from feeling overwhelmed with anxiety.” Mental health experts proffer that nervous laughter also helps to calm the person down or restore “their emotional balance.” Digging deeper – and this is where the rubber meets the road – psychologists believe the “brain can’t function optimally when … you’re focusing on emotional regulation, meaning that your decision-making capability will be impaired.”

Laughing All the Way to the Oval Office

From a less charitable point of view, the VP’s laughter is often referred to as an uncontrolled cackle, which experts say “ceases to be a useful defense against vulnerability.” Some even argue that Harris’ laughter is a result of some sort of performance-enhancing substance. Australian commentator Teena McQueen suggested as much when she said, “The woman continually laughs this ridiculous laugh. I don’t know what drugs she’s on, or what makes her so happy all the time, but she’s an absolute disgrace and she hasn’t done women any favors.”

The fact that this unusual personal behavior has caught the media zeitgeist is a problem for Kamala Harris. Uncontrollable and inappropriate laughter is not among the many leadership qualities Americans look for in a president. Thus, her choices are to limit it as best as possible, cut it out entirely, or continue to defend it. So far, she’s chosen the last of these, but many Americans aren’t buying it and remain disturbed by her odd reaction to situations that simply aren’t funny.

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