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Menace to Society: Soros Gave Over $20 Billion to Left Since 2000

At what price does influence become ownership?

Poring through the vast spider web that is the dark money operation of progressive globalist billionaire George Soros is an exhaustive effort. But a watchdog group has waded through the tax and other documents and come up with a staggering figure. “New filings reveal that George Soros’s nonprofit empire has poured out nearly $21 billion since 2000, making him perhaps the biggest ATM for leftist political causes in the world,” Hayden Ludwig of the Capital Research Center reported Jan. 4.

CRC runs the highly informative Influence Watch website, which keeps dossiers on the various progressive public policy interest groups and their well-heeled financial backers. Whereas it has become fashionable – and, to a certain degree, accurate – to downplay the financier’s pull in this sea of leftist paid agitation by citing numerous other billionaire players and moneyed philanthropies, the number speaks for itself. More than $20 billion has been distributed by one man dedicated to transforming the United States and Western civilization in general.

Soros Math: Billions Doled Out in One Year

“Soros’s foundations funneled a whopping $2.7 billion into (largely left-wing) nonprofits in 2021 alone,” Ludwig states. “In addition, nearly $577 million in grants was paid out by the network’s top advocacy arms: the Open Society Policy Center, Soros’s oldest 501(c)(4) and primary lobbying group, and the more mysterious Fund for Policy Reform.”

As CRC lays out, Soros has his fingers in multiple pies – but two stand out in terms of contemporary destructive impact. His cash is fueling assaults on both electoral integrity and law and order in America.

The billionaire’s groups paid “a stunning $30 million” in 2021 to a group known as America Votes, Ludwig writes. The organization is “the self-described ‘coordination hub of the progressive community,’” he continues. “America Votes is arguably the largest cog in the Left’s voter registration machine, boosting Democratic turnout in battleground states while undermining election integrity laws with help from its secretive donors.”

America Votes is committed to watering down standards for registered voters in any way it can. It has declared that it opposes “any ‘voter ID’ laws that restrict access to the ballot box.” In a tweet in May of 2020, the group declared: “We must end voter ID laws and make it easier for people to vote.”

A “Protect Voters Now” page on the America Votes website boasts of its activities to restore voting rights for convicted felons in Florida, “deliver no-reason absentee voting and same-day voter registration to voters through successful ballot initiatives” in Michigan, and “helping millions of people enroll to vote by mail for the first time” in the 2020 elections.“Making it easier to vote by mail” is highlighted as a major plank of the organization’s “Defending Our Democracy” initiative.

GettyImages-608914238 George Soros

George Soros (Photo by Riccardo Savi/Getty Images for Concordia Summit)

“Virginia’s early voting period for this election was six weeks! That’s what we call voter access,” an October 2021 America Votes tweet reads. “All elections, regardless of state, should have accessible early voting, mail-in ballots, and same-day registration.”

This is what the money from George Soros is going to support.

Funding Lawlessness Where Americans Live

And then there is the corrosive “criminal justice reform” movement. Soros is notorious for financing the successful campaigns of radical progressive district attorneys throughout the country. These DAs have gone on to show their appreciation by loyally toeing the Open Society line by significantly scaling down prosecution of alleged perpetrators of serious crimes. But he doesn’t stop there.

“The Foundation to Promote Open Society sent $200,000 to the Austin Justice Coalition to ‘educate the public about policing, the influence of police unions, and ways to keep communities safe without relying on the police,’” Fox News reported in its review of the Soros tax filings. Liberty Nation has documented the life-threatening chaos inflicted upon the city of Austin, Texas by dire police shortage woes fomented by Soros-backed leftist activists. In addition to that $200,000 to the Austin Justice Coalition, Soros donated a crisp $500,000 to a group that opposed a local ballot measure to hire more officers.

Liberty Nation’s Leesa Donner noted in Oct. 2021:

“The severe staffing shortage directly resulted from Austin City Council’s decision to cut $150 million from the police department budget last year. Crime statistics are alarming in Austin: As of April of 2021, the murder rate is up 200%, aggravated assaults 36%, and car theft has risen by about 77%. These figures, compiled by Austin’s KVUE-TV, are year-to-date compared to the same period in 2017.”

How can one man be allowed to wreak such misery upon American communities? Flooding the electoral process with buckets of hard, green cash is perhaps his most potent weapon. “The Wall Street Journal reported in November that Soros had donated $128 million to Democratic committees, making him the largest donor in the midterms,” Ludwig observes.

His hold on one of the two major political parties in America appears to be absolute. What else would you call the following sentence? “Kamala Harris… will have participated in three major George Soros-backed outings within a three-month period after her appearance” at the 2022 Munich Security Conference, LN wrote last year.

It is hardly a new revelation that money buys influence. But when the dollar count climbs over $20 billion, Americans are entitled to wonder at what point that influence becomes control.

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