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Is ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ an Unstoppable Cultural Force?

The anti-authoritarian comic relief is scaring YouTube and Instagram.

Of all the peaceful weapons a citizenry can utilize to combat wooden and charmless authoritarians, humor is widely considered to be among the most devastating. It is a bonfire that feeds on its target to generate ever more flame. Given the joyless ruling establishment Americans face today, it is unsurprising that humor is becoming the best way to expose the emperor’s wardrobe malfunction.

“Let’s Go Brandon” is having a cultural moment, and those the playful phrase seeks to thwack have only themselves to blame. It’s no coincidence that the cleverly subversive chant has its origins in brazen big-box media duplicity on behalf of a deeply unpopular president. An NBC Sports reporter made a patently ridiculous attempt on Oct. 2 to inform viewers that, despite what their ears may have heard, NASCAR fans were not in fact chanting a vulgar slur directed at Joe Biden but cheering on a driver named Brandon.  It was unbelievable on its face yet presented as stark truth by an establishment authority organ. The sheer transparency of the awkward and inherently silly presentation begged to be mocked.

The invitation has been accepted by the American people. And the more a dour Swamp Uniparty axis tries to squelch it, the more effective the phrase becomes.

You Can’t Keep a Good Barb Down

“A new anti-Biden ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ song by rapper Bryson Gray has been censored by both YouTube and Instagram, but still reached #1 on iTunes,” the website Just the News reported Oct. 24. That speaks volumes. Major social media platforms owned by Big Tech goliaths Facebook and Google felt so threatened by a rudimentary vocal slap at the president of the United States that they tried to artificially suffocate it.

Pro sports has been transparently used as a propaganda tool by the leftist cultural establishment for years now. Which must make moments like this painful for the league and its television network partner:

You simply cannot smother a social phenomenon with a mailed fist. And “Let’s Go Brandon” is turning into just that, thanks in crucial part to Biden’s leaden defenders in the Big Tech and major media ranks.

A leading Washington, D.C., newspaper was particularly inept in its laborings, teleporting the Oct. 2 “Let’s Go Brandon” chant back in time to a Sept. 22 Donald Trump Jr. speech. Apparently, the original vulgar expression is even more unacceptable. The paper eventually issued a correction, but the big takeaway from it all is: Why is one of the largest newspapers in the country so focused on this in the first place?

Not a Laughing Matter – or Is It?

It’s an easy question to answer. A ruling edifice that defines itself on “expertism,” accreditation, and the fervent belief that its various personages are flat-out smarter than the rest of us will not stand to be mocked. Revealing the devastating lack of personal awareness that has always defined such self-appointed elites, they fail to remotely grasp that this very attitude opens the door to more mockery.

New banner Perpective 2And yet the out-of-touch hectoring from on high continues unabated. Hillary Clinton was also in the news on Oct. 24 for appearing on British television to wag her finger at the citizens of another nation about the need for strict coronavirus vaccine mandates. It was the perfect shot in the arm (pun intended) for those opposed to mandatory jabs. The woman who constantly puts her foot in her mouth with authoritarian sound bytes ripe for parody – basket of deplorables, it takes a village – was at it again.

“A thousand [employees at a U.S. health company] refused to get vaccinated. They were fired,” an ice-cold Clinton tartly told the statist BBC in expressing her approval of mass terminations of workers who refuse to toe the line on the jab.

These people are fit to be tied over a joke or a meme, but they can casually discuss destroying the economic viability of millions of citizens. They feel they can call parents potential domestic terrorists just for questioning the education their children are receiving in public schools.

They are genuinely surprised when they receive blowback for these things. Imagine how unbearable it must be for them to be the object of the little people’s laughter.

~ Read more from Joe Schaeffer.

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