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Pink Wave, Blue Wave – Political Grandstanding

by | Aug 14, 2018 | Articles, The Left

Despite absolutely no evidence that women throughout America vote in a singular bloc inspired by liberal feminist beliefs, the mainstream media and desperate Democrats are touting a female rising against President Trump.

In so doing, Democrats display once again that they have no substantial ideas that they can offer to engage the working class voters who turned to Trump over Hillary Clinton in overwhelming numbers in 2016, sealing the would-be first woman president’s defeat.

From The Washington Post:

“This year, Democrats in Michigan have done something unprecedented. They have selected women to be their standard-bearers for every statewide office on the November ballot: governor, U.S. senator, attorney general and secretary of state.”

From CNN:

“In Georgia, [Stacey] Abrams is vying with Stacey Evans to win the Democratic [gubernatorial] primary on Tuesday to be the (female) candidate who hopes to turn Georgia blue in November.

“The all-female primary has attracted national attention — for the women running, the fact that they share a first name, and the energy among Democrats who believe, again, this might be the year to seize one of the state’s centers of power.”

Painting an entire gender blue

To quote the deepest hopes of The Washington Post, “there is no denying that something is going on out there.”

Pray tell, liberal media, do let us what that something is?

This pink wave is also a blue one. As the Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman points out, female House candidates so far have won an astounding 71 percent of Democratic primaries in which there is no incumbent and they are running against at least one man. For Republican women, that figure is only 35 percent.

Two things help explain the trend: a burst of female political activism that followed the 2016 election of President Trump and a gender gap that is likely to be significantly larger than anything we have seen before.

Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York echoed these hopes in a recent interview at Cheddar.com, “If we can run for office, if we can support women who are running, we will have a Pink Wave.” And that wave, the senator feels, will usher in a “new era of progressive government.”

Keep ignoring working Americans

Washington Post “conservative” (are they still trying to get away with that howler?) columnist Jennifer Rubin, a Never Trumper to the core, perfectly highlighted this tragic line of thinking with an absolutely shocking quote in a January column ludicrously titled “Republicans are clueless: The pink wave is cresting”:

“Trump’s play to white, working-class grievances has come at a cost to the party’s standing with many groups (e.g. college-educated voters, suburban voters), but none more so than women.”

Read that sentence again three more times, because it perfectly captures the full folly of the Pink Wave hype.

First, it is meant to criticize the man who won a nationwide presidential election by not appealing solely to educated urban types in their blue bubbles and various prized victimhood groups, as Clinton did, but by tapping into the silent majority of regular working Americans who were fed up with politics as usual in their government and demanded change.

If liberals truly see electoral candidates valuing a connection with “white working-class grievances” as a damaging strategy, then they have marginalized themselves to the point where their viable existence as a political party has to come into question.

But even more dangerous to sane Democrat voter outreach is Rubin’s notion that appealing to working-class people should somehow be alienating to American women as a whole.

This particular brand of insanity can also be found among Rubin’s “college-educated” circle.

Identity politics daydreams

The 2017 Research, Innovation, and Scholarship Expo (RISE) at Northeastern University featured a presentation with the charming title, “White Women: Traitors for Trump?”

Trump received 52% of the white female vote in 2016.

A summary of the presentation on Northeastern’s website shows again just how entrenched liberal daydreams of a monolithic female voting bloc are:

Many American citizens and political pollsters alike were shocked by the outcome of the 2016 presidential election. Americans on both sides of the aisle wonder what went awry with predictions and how certain demographics of voters – white women, in particular – voted in such strong numbers seemingly in contradiction to their own interests.

Calling for “research” to overcome the problems of women voting with their own unique minds instead of by rote force of gender, the summary ends by stating, “Understanding the divisions fracturing a national community of women could ultimately help to heal those fissures and fulfill the destiny that women as an interest group are stronger together.”

A poster for the presentation lists conclusions as to why women didn’t unite in perfect harmony to vote for Hillary, key among them:

“Most important characteristic is party identification as Republicans”

“Gender consciousness comes secondary and cripples united interest group”

An impact summary sadly stated:

“American women’s shared gender identity is not strong enough to transcend party lines. The nation as a whole has been increasingly divided by partisan politics, and women specifically as an interest group have much to lose by not uniting to rally for their common goals.”

It is exactly this kind of madness that is causing thoughtful people who once embraced the liberal policies of the Democrat Party to throw up their hands and look for an exit.

Walking Away

Brandon Straka, a lifelong liberal made a video describing his feeling of alienation from the Democrats, that prompted him to “walk away” from the party.

Straka founded the #Walkaway movement and saw his video go viral, with hundreds of thousands of views.

Straka told Liberty Nation that the Democrat strategy of lumping voters into various identity groups – women, LGBT people, racial groups – and convincing them that they are victims of oppression played on people’s fears without offering genuine solutions. “I saw how the Democrats peddled in the sale of fear toward racial minorities and the LGBT community. And for the first time in my life I truly began to listen to the conservative argument. That was the end. I was finished with the Democrats,” he said.

By attempting to portray American women as all sharing the same thoughts, the same personal beliefs, the same opinions, Democrats dehumanize them much more than “sexist” words alone can ever do.

Women are not allowed to think for themselves, to express a wide range of differing views. They are expected to march in lockstep with the identity group.

At a time when the general public, both male and female, demands serious answers to the problems plaguing working Americans today, for Democrats to pin their hopes on a mythical universal female voting bloc is a recipe for continued electoral defeat.

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