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Where Is the Silent Majority?

It’s time to take up the banner and let our voices be heard.

When will the lily-livered silent majority push back against the Marxist thugs who have turned our kids into anti-American, wild-eyed agitators? The vast majority of activists screaming about “systemic racism” have been marinated in Marxist ideology promoted by educators who have no clue what is going on in the real world. Protected from reality, these professors live sheltered lives in their ivory towers. Their world of theory is isolated from the concerns of everyday life.

It no longer takes courage to stand up for BLM, the movement that has nothing to do with enhancing the lives of African Americans. The tragic death of George Floyd became a means to an end, divorced from any concern for individual black lives; consider the mayhem and destruction thrust into black neighborhoods.

It takes courage, conversely, to stand up for America and the ideals that have always made her a refuge for those seeking liberty and justice for every citizen regardless of race, creed, or ideology. America stands for justice for all under the law. Our history shows a republic with flaws that have been and continue to be corrected. What is taking place today is a sinister movement that has cleverly stolen any concern for black lives. It is a Marxist sham emanating from our schools.

Today, our children and grandchildren have become modern-day useful idiots of the anarchists who have infiltrated our schools; they are pawns in a sick plan to tear down our system and rebuild it in the image of Marxist “theory.” The theories laid out by Marx provided a framework for the political and economic false flowers of socialism promoted by left-wing agitators today.  Socialism is the out-picturing of Marxist theory taught in our American schools today.

Socialism, introduced to America with the arrival of European immigrants in the 1850s, never blossomed into a vigorous movement. However, our educators today – under the toxic influence of Howard Zinn, a self-identified anarchist and socialist – are poisoning the minds of our youth. His 1980 book, A People’s History of the United States, was a radical interpretation of history – and it was quickly accepted by educators. Since then, the book has become the source of historical knowledge for our children.

In a nutshell, Zinn’s Marxist-influenced ideology leaves no room for American exceptionalism. America’s history is all bad and ugly: America is racist and corrupt. Does this sound familiar? It was Lenin, who saw Marx as a visionary, who said, “Give me four years to teach the children, and the seeds I have sown will never be uprooted.” It seems apparent today that Lenin was correct, and the ignorant, college-educated pawns (both the youth and their educators) are engaged in a nationwide orgy of destruction of minds and property. Good intentions minus wisdom equals evil.

Couple the distortion of history (Zinn) with the influence of the now-deceased patron saint of the left, Saul Alinsky, and we can understand the might undermining our Democracy. It was Alinsky, a Neo-Marxist anti-establishment 1960s radical who preached his desire to burn down the system and replace it with a socialist Gulag. The Italian philosopher, Antonia Gramsci, had a powerful influence on Alinsky’s “revolutionary force.” How many Americans know that Barack Obama is a disciple of the ragged and rabid Alinsky? Like most Democrats in power today, Alinsky and his disciple view politics as war, and all opponents are enemies – servants of the devil. Therefore, every means is acceptable to achieve the ultimate goal.

Obama, as president, began organizing the assault on the police with his public criticism of Cambridge, MA police over their arrest of Harvard professor Louis gates. Faithful to Alinsky, Obama stirred-up “anger, frustration, and resentment” of law-enforcement.  And then, adding fuel to his fire, there was Ferguson.

Like Obama, other race hustlers have stolen the moment of united grief and compassion for George Floyd and his family to incite hatred and distrust for all law enforcement. We all witnessed the horrendous killing of George Floyd by a corrupt cop. Does that mean that all police are corrupt? It does not. There are bad people in all professions – doctors, lawyers, teachers, and, yes, even clergy. There is no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

The virulent attack on law enforcement is by design. Marx claimed that with a socialist society, “law will wither away.” Why would you need the protection of private property and private interests in a socialist society? How better to achieve this goal than to smear all law enforcement for the sins of a few?

If the entitled, rage-filled, uneducated college kids should ever get their dream of socialism, it will quickly turn into their worst nightmare. They have been taught garbage and have no clue what awaits them. The leaders will have all the power and wealth – as has been the case with every “socialist” or “communist” regime in history so far – and the clueless dreamers will be left to fight over their next roll of toilet paper.

Never included in the indoctrination of the youth in America is the truth that socialism always fails. Consider Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Cuba, and China. The problem is that the leaders – Madura, Mugabe, Castro, and Mao – all enriched themselves at the expense of the people. “What is good for thee is not good for me.” And Marx knew that socialism is but a historical dialectal “pit-stop” on the way to communism.

The questions are, will the youth of today ever remember who they were before their intense indoctrination? Only time will tell. And will the silent majority – all too often taciturn – have the courage to fight for America? It seems now that the only Americans who have shown the courage to speak out are black fathers, brothers, and uncles, who have the common thread of grief. The power of their voices is in their embrace of faith, family, and freedom.

The black men speaking out are the polar opposite of the cultural revolutionist creating violence and mayhem. If you feel compelled to understand what black scholars are thinking and talking about, give yourself the pleasure of visiting the Woodson 1776 project.

For those who fall into the category of “the silent majority,” we know who we are and that we are slow to react forcefully. It is time to take up the banner and unlock our voices. The only antidote to the poison injected into the minds of our youth is truth and knowledge. It is a mighty task ahead as many of our youth have been spoon-fed the “imaginary flowers” of socialism since fifth-grade world history classes.

Alison Nichols, M.Div. is a retired psychoanalyst, Yale Divinity School, Blanton Peele Graduate Institute

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