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Portrait of a Crisis: Ohio Town Deals With Immigration Inundation

Haitians pouring into the Heartland leaves locals frustrated and angry.

The small southwestern city of Springfield, OH, is buckling beneath the burden of an enormous wave of Haitian migration directly choreographed by the Joe Biden administration’s increased use of “humanitarian parole” provisions in US immigration law. As has been demonstrated of late in major urban areas such as New York and Chicago, left-right political talking points fizzle into irrelevance when an entire community reaches a breaking point.

Springfield has a population of 58,000. Yet, in recent years, the town has had to deal with a staggering influx of some 20,000 Haitian migrants. Stunningly, one-third of Springfield’s residents are now Haitian. The city has been scrambling to deal with the myriad of problems inevitable with such a wholly unnatural development.

Along with other blue-dominated urban areas, Springfield embraced progressive sloganeering on “welcoming” migrants and is now paying the price. An Immigrant Accountability Response Team was formed last October as the woes became too serious to ignore.

‘It’s Taxing Our’ Everything

Local officials are flustered, and residents are fed up.

“I’m upset at the fact we didn’t get a chance to have an infrastructure in place if there were going to be 20,000 more people from 2020 to 2025. We didn’t get to do that,” Mayor Rob Rue exclaimed, The Springfield News-Sun reported July 12. “‘Springfield is now saturated,’ Rue said during the meeting when talk turned to Haitian immigration,” the paper related.

New Banner Border CrisisAs Liberty Nation News has documented, the Biden administration has opened the floodgates to Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans via a vast expansion of “humanitarian parole” immigration regulations meant to deal with extraordinarily rare events such as a major war or famine. Claims of domestic violence (“gender-based violence”) are enough to merit unfettered entryway into the US interior under Biden’s watch.

The results are now starting to trickle into towns such as Springfield. Schools, housing, and other essentials are being stressed past the point of endurance. “It’s taxing our infrastructure. It’s taxing public safety. It’s taxing our schools. It’s taxing health care … it’s taxing our housing,” City Manager Bryan Heck stated, Fox News reported on July 13. “This border crisis, the policy of this administration, is failing cities like ours and taxing us beyond our limit,” Mayor Rue told the network.

Corporations Knew in Advance

It’s not just the Biden administration, however. There is more blame to go around.

“Springfield officials were in the dark about the possibility of a large immigrant relocation to the area, Mayor Rob Rue said at the recent Springfield City Commission meeting, but a ‘network of businesses knew what was coming,’” The News-Sun ominously reported.

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(Photo by Christian Torres/Anadolu via Getty Images)

“Investigation by the city’s Immigrant Accountability Response Team formed in October of 2023 has revealed the possibility ‘there were companies that knew they were going to make an effort to bring in individuals who were crossing the border based on federal regulations that they could do that,’ Rue said.”

The usual progressive bumper sticker lingo was on display when Springfield in 2014 announced itself as a “welcoming city” for immigrants: “We have these folks in our community and they need to be included and considered part of the community,” longtime Mayor Warren Copeland chirped at the time. “The vast majority of immigrants are hard-working people who are trying to make a contribution to the community and raise families, Copeland said,” The News-Sun wrote. Ten years and some 20,000 Haitians later, Copeland’s tranquil words have come back to haunt Springfield residents with a vengeance.

Along with the strain on social services comes increased damage to the safety and well-being of the community at large. Putting Haitian “newcomers” behind the wheel on Springfield’s roads has already had deadly consequences.

Last August, Haitian migrant Hermanio Joseph “drove a 2010 Honda Odyssey into oncoming traffic causing a school bus filled with children on their way to their first day of school to spin out of control and flip over,” Breitbart reported. “The accident left 11-year-old Aiden Clark dead and a dozen other children injured, some seriously. The migrant, who had only been here a bit longer than a year, did not have a driver’s license and had never passed any state driving exams to obtain one.”

No Brakes on Elitist Immigration Agenda

All this grief and destruction of the quality of life in towns and cities across America are the result of a determined commitment to an open borders agenda. This agenda is shared equally by the progressive ruling establishment running the Biden administration and major corporations that covet the cheap labor that massive unchecked immigration provides.

“On International Migrants Day, we recognize the hundreds of millions of migrants living outside of their home countries,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken declared on Dec. 18, 2023, while honoring the globalist holiday. “It is imperative that countries expand lawful pathways, protect vulnerable migrants, promote inclusion, and advance policies and processes to promote safe, orderly, and humane migration.”

Blinken is, of course, protected by his Swamp Ivory Tower, far removed from the day-to-day doings of the southwestern Ohio working-class plebes. He will never have to look the parents of 11-year-old Aiden Clark in the eyes and explain to them why their child had to die in the name of an artificial “inclusion” so socially disruptive that it has brought a small city to the brink of civic catastrophe.

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