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Joe Biden and the Chinese Money-Laundering Scheme

Following the money all the way to Joe’s personal bank account.

Following the saga of the Biden family’s shady overseas and domestic financial dealings is beginning to feel a lot like watching The Godfather. What congressional Republicans on various committees have uncovered so far presents a tapestry of broken promises, influence-peddling, threats, extortion, and money-laundering. All of that, if the evidence is solid, can be attributed to James and Hunter Biden, brother and son, respectively, of Joe Biden. However, according to House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY), the “big guy” is now directly implicated, having received at least two sums of money that can be traced back to payments from entities hoping to benefit from the Biden “brand.” One of those payments, in the amount of $40,000, seems to have been part of a larger sum paid by the Chinese Communist Party-linked CEFC washed through multiple Biden-linked businesses.

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Hunter Biden (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

CEFC, which went bankrupt in 2020 after being mired in scandal, was a Chinese energy conglomerate. Records show that Hunter Biden had offered to position the company to take a slice of the US liquefied natural gas market. The junior Biden is neither a finance guy nor an energy sector guy, but he was selling the Biden name in various countries as a golden ticket into American business and politics.

In 2017, Hunter Biden demanded $10 million from CEFC, presumably because that amount had been previously agreed upon for his help in getting the Chinese company into the US market. Hunter had been using the mobile messaging application WhatsApp to communicate with Henry Zhao, the director of CEFC-affiliated Harvest Fund Management, through which the payment was to be made.

Joe Biden – the Godfather of Extortion?

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Joe Biden (Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)

The House Oversight Committee had already obtained Hunter’s message to Zhao, which evokes the aforementioned iconic mob movie. “I am sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled,” Hunter Biden told Zhao. Was Joe Biden there, next to his son at that moment? It hardly matters. The message proves that the son was using the father’s name as leverage, and it’s improbable that he did so on this and many other occasions without Joe Biden’s knowledge. “And, Z,” Hunter’s message continued, “if I get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than you, Zhang or the chairman, I will make certain that between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and my ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction.”

This sounds a lot like extortion, which is exactly how Committee Chair James Comer describes it.

So, the money trail begins. Just days later, $5 million went from Harvest Fund Management to Hudson West III, an entity managed by Hunter Biden and Gongwen Dong, a CEFC associate. The same day this transfer was complete, on Aug. 8, 2017, another entity owned by Hunter Biden, Owasco, P.C., received $400,000 from Hudson West III.

On Aug. 14, Hunter wired $150,000 to another company, Lion Hall Group. Who owned Lion Hall Group? None other than James Biden and his wife, Sara. According to Comer, Sara Biden took $50,000 cash from the company she and James owned and deposited it into their personal checking account.

Then, on Sept. 3, Sara Biden wrote a personal check for $40,000 to Joe Biden. “The memo line of the check said, ‘loan repayment,’” Comer observed. This is not the only time a check has changed hands between James and Joe Biden, listed as repaying a loan, as Liberty Nation has reported.

“Without his family peddling his name and his son threatening a CEFC associate with consequences that he said Joe Biden knew about, James wouldn’t have had the money to write the $40,000 check to his brother Joe,” said Comer in a video posted to the X social media platform – formerly Twitter.

Certainly, Comer believes this is money laundering. It fits the exact definition. And there are serious questions to be asked unless one is willing to assume the House Oversight Committee is fabricating the bank records. Joe Biden has previously stated that no member of his family ever made money from China. We now know this was not true. The other thing we now know to be true – again, unless one believes Comer is simply telling fairy tales – is that Joe Biden has indeed benefited monetarily from his son’s and his brother’s financial deals.

Read More From Graham J Noble

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