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Hate Meets Heartlanders and Musk Teases a Tasty Twitter Leftover

Another threat to democracy has been trotted out.

by | Nov 26, 2022 | Articles, Opinion, Politics

Editor’s Note: From the Back Forty is Liberty Nation’s longest-running and most popular weekly column. Capturing the truth each week from heartlanders in flyover states, LN gives voice to the hard-working Americans otherwise ignored by the coastal elites.

A truly American Holiday was marred by accusations from the unhappiest people on earth (liberals), an opinionated talking head identifying as a journalist, and the inconvenient fact that most Americans struggled to put food on the table. One day – all this country needed was one day to count blessings and be thankful. But hate, anti-Christian sentiment, and revisions of history devolved from Happy Thanksgiving to all white people are genocidal maniacs. But the bright spot in Biden’s long, dark, almost winter holiday was another installment from Elon Musk, making liberals shudder.

Heartlanders, tired of the bickering and name-calling, decided to love the miserable unfortunate ones. It was a back-handed kind of affection, but still.

Squanto Channeled

A myriad of historical Thanksgiving posts flooded the internet: most glorifying the 1621 feast between the Wampanoag people and settlers from the Mayflower in Massachusetts. So many people declared it the day genocide and disease came to town that it touched the nerve of those who celebrate those original friendships that have since gone awry. MSNBC’s Joy Reid hopped on that particular bandwagon, stating on her pre-holiday show that the GOP and most of middle America wanted to portray a “simplistic fairytale” to cover up our lust for violence.

Reid did not mention any other race of people committing violent acts but blathered: “For millions of Americans, it’s a day of cherished tradition. As Americans, we value those traditions.” What would seem a natural place to stop did not occur to the most inappropriately named Joy:

“Because here is the secret [Republicans] want so desperately to keep: We are a country founded on violence. Our birth was violent. In 1619, a ship with more than 20 enslaved Africans landed in Virginia, ushering in two centuries of American slavery that left millions in chains or dead. When those humans in bondage were finally free, a terrorist organization that was a card-carrying member of polite society, The Ku Klux Klan, picked up where the Civil War ended using violence to maintain white supremacy.”

Reid did throw in everything, including the kitchen sink. But flyover folks weren’t standing for her rhetoric and fought back. In Chicago, where gun violence is as common as mashed potatoes, Jan Keese piped up: “For Pete’s sake, it is a Day of Reconciliation. Why can we not practice that and be Grateful?”

Another patriot who wishes to remain anonymous offered, “Does everything have to be politicized and used to tear apart our nation and families? We ALL know that we took this land from the Indians, which was unfair and horrific. We must begin to look for things to bring us together. Thanksgiving should be a time of giving and not tearing apart.”

Well, that train left the station early, and one ‘Bama lamb, Lynn Gardner, had to weigh in: “Miserably unhappy people thrive off of infecting others with their miserable condition. The only ways to stop them are either for Jesus to change their heart or to just ignore them (they REALLY hate that!).”

Musk a Threat to Democracy?

The latest scare tactic by Democrats is to accuse anyone who disagrees with their narrative of being a threat to democracy. In the relatively short time since Elon Musk became the proud owner of Twitter, minds were collectively lost on the left. Celebrities vowed to quit and then stayed to watch everyone commenting on their feed. Musk reinstated people once forever banned, like Kanye West and Donald Trump. Still, he went too far this week by teasing that he might publish Twitter’s internal documents on the Hunter Biden laptop story suppression.

A recent Musk tweet dangled a carrot in front of the donkey: “The more I learn, the worse it gets. The world should know the truth of what has been happening at Twitter. Transparency will earn the trust of the people.”

In Elizabethton, TN, Guy Whittimore egged on Elon: “All Americans have the right to know of the evil deeds of the Bidens and others!” Some folks were worried Elon would have to increase his personal security budget. Others figured he knew what he was doing and approved of the action. But one patriot, Troy Armstrong in Wisconsin, advised: “Save the release until 2024.”

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