President Joe Biden and Democratic lawmakers are currently in a not-so-favorable position. Their approval ratings...
Liberty Nation Television
When Teaching Civics Goes Wrong – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
The Civics Secures Democracy Act, which is ostensibly designed to ensure public schools are teaching students how...
Are Donors Ditching Trump? – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
Donors and members of the conservative chattering class appear to be backing away from supporting a potential...
White House Coming for Free Speech Again – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
Vice President Kamala Harris will be assembling a task force ostensibly designed to address the problem of online...
A Giant Leap for Gun Rights – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
The Supreme Court handed down a ruling that will severely undercut efforts to impose onerous gun laws. It is seen...
Are We Ready For More ‘Feel Good’ Gun Laws? – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
In the wake of two tragic mass shootings, Democratic and Republican lawmakers appear ready to craft another gun...
Who Will Democrats Choose in 2024? – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
Democrats are not faring too well these days as their leadership pool has shrunken drastically. Indeed, finding a...
Can Schools Count on 911? – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
The tragedy in Uvalde, Texas, has raised a myriad of questions about mass shootings, gun control, and law...
Who Is Steering the Democrat Ship? – LNTV – WATCH NOW!
President Donald Trump remains a highly powerful force within the GOP and conservative movement. The same can’t...