As Americans fight China’s land-buying spree across the US, the capture of the nation’s highest intellectual...
Joe Schaeffer
Biden Amnesty Plan Embraces Terrorist Hotspot Yemen
As the president continues to falter before the nation’s eyes, the Biden administration is feverishly turning its...
Portrait of a Crisis: Ohio Town Deals With Immigration Inundation
The small southwestern city of Springfield, OH, is buckling beneath the burden of an enormous wave of Haitian...
Big-Box Media Finds Ethics as Biden Horse Runs Into the Ground
After wholly abandoning the basic tenets of journalism in their “coverage” of President Joe Biden for a full five...
New Mexico’s Sunland Park Becomes Border Death Zone for Illegals
It’s summer; temperatures are high, and illegal aliens are dying in the hostile terrain that marks much of the...
Never Trump Zealots Struggle to Cope With Biden Train Wreck
A famous quote attributed to a German World War I staff officer may best fit the mood of the fierce cadre of...
Soros Money Funding Attempted Takeover of US Radio Giant
George Soros has an international playbook, and he is playing it to the hilt in the United States today. Undue...
Macron to France: Vote Against Me and There Will Be Civil War
Largely lost amid the fallout from the shock over Joe Biden’s health during his June 27 debate with Donald Trump...
Fake Biden Videos Narrative: The Media Has a Hidden Agenda
At first glance, it’s a tad perplexing. A big-box media that has spent weeks fanning speculation that Democrats...