The Bidenization of the Democratic Party: Nobody Remembers Nothin’

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Perhaps it was when you left home for college. Or maybe when you turned 18 and joined the army. Others might’ve left to be closer to a boyfriend or girlfriend (or, nowadays, both). We all know what it’s like to be on the cusp of adulthood, moving away from your hometown for the very first time.


It’s a universal experience.

Eventually, after you move, you’ll develop close friendships with the new people in your new town. They’ll talk about their past; you’ll share (what you assume is) an amusing anecdote about your past… and they’ll suddenly stare at you in abject horror. 

“Uh, oh,” you’ll think. “I guess Uncle Larry’s Thanksgiving Day tickle-tournament WAS kinda peculiar. Oops.”

That’s the thing: You never fully understand how odd, weird and creepy your family is until you move away. Rich or poor, black or white, however you grew up – whatever the traditions and no matter the stupidity – will always feel… normal.

If you raised your child in a loving, close-knit family home, then congratulations. You blessed your child with the single greatest advantage possible: the normalization of love, honesty, and kindness. This will always be your child’s default-setting – and will guide him or her in future relationships.

(And, sadly, the opposite is also true.)

In "The Shawshank Redemption," they called it “getting institutionalized.” Like Morgan Freeman said, “These walls are funny. First you hate ‘em, then you get used to ‘em. Enough time passes, you get so you depend on them. That’s institutionalized.”

It happens in life. It happens in prison. It most definitely happens in families.

And it happens in the Democratic Party.

The Democrats have gotten so accustomed to Joe Biden – a man with the memory of a goldfish – that they assume WE can’t remember anything either.


“My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as Vice President,” declared Biden. “And it’s been the best decision I’ve made.”

(Narrowly edging-out his awesome decision on Afghanistan, probably.)

“I’m watching you, kid,” Biden mumbled to Harris. “I love you.”

(Which even my Uncle Larry thought was creepy.) 

You see, to the Democrats, all of this is completely normal: Last week, Biden was in it to win it! He was smart and clever, bravely refusing to cave to the naysayers! There was too much work to be done – and dagnabbit, he was the only guy with the experience to do it!

And this week, the Democrats want to pretend that none of it happened. Shh! Let’s not talk about Biden anymore. It was Kamala all along. Kamala, Kamala, Kamala! She’s a rare political comet and we’re so lucky to have her! 

It’s not normal to us. For anyone normal, it’s pathological. But it’s normal to them.

They’ve been institutionalized: It’s the Bidenization of the Democratic Party.


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