
WV Trans Middle School Athlete Allegedly Sexually Harassed Teammates

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Remember in mid-April when my friend Rick Moran wrote about a transgender athlete named Becky Pepper-Jackson (BPJ) competing in girls' shotput because he managed to squeak past West Virginia's laws against biological males competing in women's sports because he had "transitioned" in third grade and never reached puberty?

As Moran wrote, five actual girls refused to compete with him.

But now it looks like BPJ regularly made sexually explicit comments to the actual girls on his team.

As OutKick described, sworn testimony from one of BPJ's former teammates, Adaleia Cross, contains incidents where this BPJ character would approach Cross "two or three times a week" and say such delightful things as "suck my d***," and "Iā€™m gonna stick my d*** into your p****," "and in your a** as well."

BPJ didn't limit himself to Cross; he allegedly made similar statements to other girls on the team, with at least six witnesses corroborating, which Fox posted on their own coverage of this story.

This fine specimen of humanity didn't just limit himself to making lewd remarks, as he would openly brag about beating them at shotput, making equally sportsmanlike comments such as, "You just need to get stronger" and "You have more testosterone than I do, and I am still beating you."

Sure, buddy, sure, because upon hitting eighth grade, BPJ became a lot taller than Cross and was throwing 20 feet farther than he did in the previous season, even though he was openly talking about taking puberty blockers.

Do you smell a liar, or were those blockers just defective?

So what did their school do about it?

Cross said the administrators were looking into it, "but we never heard back, and nothing changed. From what I saw, B.P.J. got very little or no punishment for saying things that no other student would get away with."

On top of that, OutKick contacted Cross's parents, who said they were denied an in-person meeting, relegated to a phone conversation, and were not allowed to sit in on a conversation the administrators held with Adaleia.

Your tax dollars at work, fine PJ Media readers of West Virginia.

Either way, claiming to be transgender, as I have said before, seems to be nothing more than an excuse for a lot of men to get away with acting on their worst impulses.

Just a few days ago, my friend Lincoln Brown wrote about a man claiming to be a "dead girl" in Canada attacking a woman in her car as she was nursing her baby earlier this May.

A bit further back, near the end of April, I covered a case where another boy "identifying" as a girl beat the snot out of an actual girl at Lebanon Middle School in Indiana and also made other girls uncomfortable in the locker room.

Just before that, an even worse beating was dished out on some poor girl by another little rage-filled maniac in North Wales, Pennsylvania, as Stephen Green described.

This incident involved a kid approaching a girl who was on some sort of "hit list" and attacking her with a Stanley Cup, threatening to kill her the entire time.

But hey, transwomen are women, bigots. Don't you dare pay attention to the consequences, or else you're transphobic.


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