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Mockery May Be the Best Medicine for Swamp Sickness

Americans are just beginning to see what is really behind the curtain.

by | Nov 7, 2021 | Articles, Opinion, Politics

The progressive ruling elite is making its big play to change the very fabric of this nation. It is the culmination of events that have been slowly germinating for 30 years, helped along by one establishment-handpicked president after another (with one huge exception). But the Big Push is being orchestrated with the worst possible public face attempting to hide its ugliest designs on the American people, a comically inept careerist with little appeal to the general public.

Not to compare John F. Kennedy ideologically to Joe Biden at all, but that dashing persona is what you need in order to pull off this kind of sleight of hand on the American people. This is the reason why awkward portrayals of aviator-shades Joe Cool Biden are actually understandable. While ludicrous, they point to the dire need for Biden to be far more charismatic, youthful, and appealing than he is in reality.

Fractured Figurehead

This is dicey for the ruling establishment. The ongoing Biden debacle unfolding before the eyes of the American people endangers its standing to a degree that none of its previous figureheads, despite their notable flaws, managed to come close to approaching.

George H.W. Bush got into the White House by pledging to further carry the torch for the Reagan Revolution. He quickly proved to be about nothing of the sort. Still, the failings that resulted in his being a one-term president were identified with his seemingly weak persona and not any higher agenda that surrounded him. “Read My Lips” did him in, not “New World Order.”

Bill Clinton was cast as the “reasonable” Democrat from a southern state who could triangulate, appealing to the moderate left and right. That was the image, anyway. He was ridiculed for his personal scandals, but, again, those focused solely on him, and not the larger ruling nexus.

George W. Bush somewhat incongruously managed to present himself as the conservative, states-rights alternative to Clintonism. Criticism of his militaristic foreign policy, which expressly went against his campaign promises, flourished, and denouncing neocons came into fashion, but the majority of Americans still did not think of him as representative of an all-encompassing system during his time in office.

President Biden Delivers Remarks On Passage Of Infrastructure Bill

(Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

Then came Barack Obama, young, black and promising “real change.” This enabled him to be a far more effective frontman for the machine we see in action today.

The agenda has always been there, and it has been advanced in varying ways that all managed to fly to a certain extent. This is manifestly not the case anymore.

An NBC News poll revealed Oct. 31 that a whopping 71% of Americans surveyed believe the nation is on the wrong track. One day later, the 78-year-old Biden was the focus of endless “Sleepy Joe” storylines when he appeared to fall asleep during opening statements at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. All this came on the heels of a rumored “bathroom accident” before a meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican that got the unfortunate phrase “Poopy Pants” trending on social media. And then, of course, there is “Let’s Go Brandon,” the playful taunt that manages to whack both Biden and his big-box media protectors at the same time.

It’s all too ridiculous. Joe Biden is using the bully pulpit of the U.S. presidency to urge private corporations to fire U.S. workers from their jobs in droves. How can Americans not laugh? Joe Biden is easy to mock. And that ends up meaning the ruling elite that elevated him becomes easy to mock. This is the nightmare scenario. Elites cannot stand the mockery of the people they aim to control. Mockery has been the Achilles’ Heel of would-be tyrants everywhere since the beginning of human history. It is the crack that leads to the crumbling of their seemingly impressive steel-reinforced monolith.

Revealing That Which Needs to Stay Hidden

In pushing a tottering Biden to the forefront, Americans now can see the weak clay behind the all-powerful Swamp façade. The problem is not that Biden poorly represents the ruling establishment class. It is that he does so too well. He is showing the nation precisely who these people are – and what they are not.

President Biden Delivers Remarks On CDC's Authorization For Children To Receive Covid Vaccinations

(Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

They are not the adults in the room, as they so dearly love to project. Afghanistan gave a horrific exhibition of that. They are the Christopher Steeles and Alexander Vindmans, posturing credentialed blowhards without the substance or character to back up their musty bureaucratic-scented swaggering. All this must be concealed. One puts such things under a shade. You don’t thrust them under the bright lights.

But Joe Biden, noted plagiarist, odd fabricator of bizarre personal narratives, accomplished malapropist and father of woefully prodigal Hunter, perfectly represents them all. And he is on their platform. He is offered up to public view. What a spectacular miscalculation.

“Let’s Go Brandon” stings establishment ears because ultimately it mocks the feckless “sharpies” behind the scenes that put Biden on that pedestal. They react to the mockery like a vampire to holy water. Forget all the fun haymakers at an unpopular president. What you are witnessing is a first-class strategic disaster for a woefully out-of-touch political ruling elite that for 30 years has thrived on quiet deception and now finds itself reduced to becoming the infuriating butt of one joke after another.

~ Read more from Joe Schaeffer.


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